Last chance ... 2 days to go

Yes ... only 2 days before the new Yoga term for 2018 begins! After a longer break this year I'm sure most of you are ready to recommit to your Yoga practice. Make your Yoga practice - class and personal practice - a positive habit to replace a not so good one. Over time you'll find the benefits of this consistent practice will naturally flow into your life and you'll start to let go of more habits and patterns that you know are hindering you.
All classes except for the Monday class start this week. Bookings are essential for evening classes so if you're ready to recommit to being responsible for creating your best self and overall wellbeing, go online now and book your space. There are a variety of classes to choose from so take some time to have a read through each class to find the one that best suits where you are at now.
Monday and Tuesday evenings only have a couple of spaces left and the rest of the classes are filling up. The Wednesday evening class has returned to a foundational class - Yoga Basics. The Friday morning class in Taree is now 'Book a Mat' (online) so I know who is coming - bookings can be made for this class up to Thursday evening. Please make payments to the account shown on the website. Some of you may still have the previous bank account details stored - delete this so that future payments are to the correct account.
If you are a little unsure of the online booking system, have a look at my blog on 4 January which will step you through the process.
Remember, there is no change without change. Be brave, take a step forward.
See you in class.