A new chapter for Healing Heart Yoga ...
The past couple of years have brought many changes and change isn't always comfortable. There has been a lot to look at in the face of the continuing changing environment around us. Like many others, I've looked at what I offer and how best I can serve my community.
I have been blessed along my path - many doors have flung open for me and at times I felt like I was being almost thrust through the doors but at all times I had faith - what we call in Yoga sraddha. A deep rooted belief and conviction. This is what Yoga has given me to keep following my passions and dharma - helping people help themselves to heal.
Another door is about to open and so it is time for me to allow the space for the changes and take steps forward on my own journey. To create space, you have to be able to let go. As I allow myself to step into the space of allowing for my evolvement, I have now passed on the sacred space of Healing Heart Yoga studio to another wonderful Yoga teacher in the lineage of Krishnamacharya. Di Juteram now holds the space of the studio and in the New Year you will see a change of signage. Di will continue to hold Yoga classes and other related events from the studio and I'll still be teaching one class a week.
Healing Heart Yoga's home will now be predominantly online. You'll still be able to find me here on this same website. Over the next couple of months I'll be working on updating the website and creating new programs. I'll continue to run my program "Harvest Your Health" online and where possible, there'll be face to face events and gatherings. The program has been running for over 2 years and has given members life-changing results from integrating new food and lifestyle practices into their daily lives that have helped them achieve their goals and beyond for a lifetime of wellness. I'll also focus on continuing studies in Ayurveda to offer a more holistic approach to health and wellness by combining the spirituality of Yoga with the healing and wellbeing practices of Ayurveda.
There'll also be a new online offering of yoga classes, talks, workshops and a brand new online program as I guide people on their personal journeys of transformation - laying the foundation and clearing the path to step into their own personal power to truly shine and thrive in every possible way.
I'm excited about this new chapter to see how it evolves for me and for you as part of my community. I hope we can have the opportunity to work together again soon.
Namaste, Beverly