Were you able to stop?
Reflecting on key lessons learnt from 2020
Mine. Don’t get so caught up in the doing. There was a lot of ‘doing’ in my life in the earlier part of the year and because of that, there was less ‘being’ and I missed seeing some key lessons.
Even now in this holiday period it’s taken some time to allow myself to let go of the business and ‘busyness’ and stop. Drop into that bliss of being.
This year has been significant for everyone in different ways. It seemed we only just started to recover from the bushfires and then it was flooding and then COVID-19. COVID brought with it so many changes to the way we live and work and will most likely remain this way for a long time going forward.
Fortunately for most of us we have our Yoga practice. It’s weaved into our lives and being. It’s there to hold and support us mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Of course the more regularly and consistently we practice, the greater the benefits. The COVID virus has made it more apparent than ever that we need to maintain our best health – a strong robust respiratory and immune system. And equally as important we also need to have mental strength and resilience to cope with the ongoing changes around us. Yoga gives us the tools to cope – how we respond rather than react. Our practice has the ability to soothe and steady our minds – whether our minds are agitated and racing or feeling lack lustre and low. We can find equilibrium through Yoga.
Change ….

This year brought many changes for so many of us and for me personally. The enforced break due to COVID afforded me the time to reflect on my path, my goals, my vision. I reduced the number of classes I taught so I could focus on family and personal commitments. To focus on what was truly fulfilling for me.
I realised that the most effective way to truly help people is through an holistic approach. I am now combining the teachings of yoga – from group classes and personalised one on one yoga therapy – with food and lifestyle through the teachings of Ayurveda, the Indian sister science of yoga in my program Harvest Your Health. Ayurveda teaches us how we can reclaim our natural state of health and well-being with right food and lifestyle practices. There is no “diet” or challenges. It is a way of life – and that’s for the rest of your life. This ancient wisdom is over 5,000 years old. It’s a wholesome and practical way of living.
To witness the transformations in just one year has been one of the most rewarding experiences for me. All the women in the group support each other and at the same time are striving forward with their own goals while shifting outdated behaviours, habits and mindsets. Weight loss, self-belief, self-confidence, purpose, better sleep, stronger immunity, self-connection are just some of the results already achieved.

The transition has been made so much easier because I’ve had the support of Di Juteram who has been teaching more classes over the past year when the studio was able to be open. Di graduated earlier in the year from my 500 hour Teacher Training. Her love of Yoga and its lifestyle is evident - she embraces the teachings wholeheartedly and has become a soulful caring teacher.
The year ahead ….
Di and I are taking a break over the New Year period for our own replenishment. Di will be returning to teaching in mid-January and I’ll resume later in the month.
Important reminder …
The NSW Government requires all students to register for classes and due to the limitation of numbers for classes, all students must book for classes, including casual classes.
January 2021 Timetable …
Early Morning New Year Intensive @ Healing Heart Yoga Taree
Monday 11 – Friday 15 January 2021
6.30 – 7.45am
$100 – bookings essential – numbers limited
Casual classes @ Healing Heart Yoga Taree
Monday evenings …. 11, 18 and 25 January 2021
1 hour - $20
Tuesday mornings at Old Bar – NEW TIME 9am – 10am Commencing Tuesday 19 January 2021
Further details for classes will come soon.
2021 Term classes … new 5 week blocks …
With the uncertainty in the current climate, we are introducing shorter terms. Classes will now run in two blocks of 5 weeks for each school term. This will also offer students new to Healing Heart Yoga an opportunity to try our classes and within the 5 week block, see whether the teachings and teacher resonate with them.
Online workshops …
I’ll be running a series of online workshops via Zoom to help deepen your experience and understanding of Yoga outside asana. There’ll be a variety of topics including –
Introduction to Vedic Chanting – co-hosted with my teacher from Chennai, India
Yoga from the Beginning – a History of Yoga
Astanga Yoga – the 8 Limbs of Yoga
Subtle Yoga –
o Chakras
o Prana and Prana Vayus (movement of Prana)
o The 5 Elements in Yoga
I hope you can join me for some of these workshops throughout the year.
As I sign off for the year, I would like to sincerely thank all of you who have attended classes, yoga therapy or taken part in Harvest Your Health. It has been a challenging year but with these challenges we can experience growth. Take some time to contemplate what key lessons you learnt from 2020 so you can move with more ease into the year ahead.
Sending you all the warmest of wishes for a peaceful, restful and rejuvenating season.