Healing Heart Yoga and Ayurveda
Ancient wisdom for a life of health & wellness
Ayurveda 101
- The Science of Life
An insight into one of the world's oldest holistic (whole body) health systems
Ayur = life Veda = Science, Knowledge
We all want to thrive. What's getting in your way? How many of these would you like ...
Consistent energy
Better sleep
A toned, flexible body
To wake rested, refreshed and clear-headed
Smooth digestion
Easy elimination
To move easily
Relaxed emotions
A more organised household
Healthy fast meal preparation
Less stress, anxiety or depression
To age gracefully
Healthy cravings
More time
Even if you only ticked one, isn't that worth changing?
''Ayurveda 101" will touch on the 10 daily habits which can give you all of these - isn't that worth an hour of your time?
Ayurveda offers a body of ancient wisdom which helps people to stay vital, vibrant and thriving in their bodies and minds while realising their full human potential. Learn how to realign with the natural rhythms of nature and your body to bring back full body integrity and ease into your body and mind.
I'm excited to be able to share this wisdom and make it practical for you. Even if you are just a little curious, come along - this could be the change you're looking for.
Bookings essential.
Details ...
When ... Saturday 13 July 2019 | 3pm - 4pm
Where ... Healing Heart Yoga, 34a Eric Street Taree
Spaces are limited so please book now.